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NFL TV Coverage 2017-18 Worldwide

NFL regular season started each year from the month of September and ended in December. A big number people follow the matches on television. Biggest sports channels gets broadcast rights of NFL tv coverage from regular season to Superbowl. Its the fourth season of NFL under the current broadcast contracts with (ESPN, CBS, Fox, and NBC).

 NFL 2017-18 TV Coverage Worldwide 
Country Channels
United States NBC, CBS, ESPN, Fox, DirecTV
United Kingdom ITV, BSkyB, Five, AFN
Canada Global TV, TSN, ESPN Classic Canada, RDS
Australia ESPN, Fox Sports Australia, AFN, SBS
France AFN, NASN
Germany AFN, NASN
Mexico ESPN, Fox Sports Latin America, DirecTV Latin America, Sky Mexico
Puerto Rico ABC, CBS, ESPN, FOX, AFRTS, DirecTV
Belgium AFN, BeTV, Telenet, NASN
Denmark TV2 Zulu, AFN
Switzerland AFN, NASN
Israel ESPN Israel, METV, Fox Sports Israel, AFN
Sweden Viasat Sport; TV3, AFN
Wales BSkyB, Five
European Countries AFN, NASN
Latin America Countries ESPN, DirecTV Latin America, Fox Sports Latin America
UAE Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, AFN, Showtime
Tunisia Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, AFN, Showtime
South Africa ESPN, AFN
Middle East Countries Orbit ESPN, AFN, Showtime
Sub-Sahara Africa ESPN, AFN
Russia NTV Plus, AFN
China  SMG, AFN
New Zealand ESPN, AFN
Malaysia Supersports, AFN
Qatar Orbit ESPN, Fox Sports Middle East, AFN, Showtime
Brazil ESPN, AFN, DirecTV Latin America
Argentina ESPN, AFN, DirecTV Latin America
Carribean Countries ESPN, DirecTV Latin America, Fox Sports Latin America
Central Asia AFN, NTV Plus
South Korea SBS Korea, MBC-ESS, AFN, ESPN Star Sports
Asian Continent AFN, ESPN

TV Channels Rights NFL 2018 (UK, CANADA, ASIA):

There are 234 countries where you can watch the NFL matches 62 official broadcasters. Matches will broadcast in 31 different languages. If you are watching the NFL matches from United Kingdom, you will get the coverage on channels ITV and BSkyB. In Canada you will see NFL pre season and regular matches at (Global TV, TSN,ESPN Classic and RDS).